Financing analysis

Financing analysis

Vihti Business uses the Granted AI service, which aggregates financial instruments on a single platform and provides an analysis of the company's funding opportunities based on profiling. The analysis displays your company's potential for different financing options in a scored format and allows you to explore the financing instruments that best fit your profile. You can access the analysis by answering around 20 questions using the bot below.

An analysis of your business's financing possibilities

Please feel free to answer questions to the best of your ability, even if a particular question is challenging or information is not available. In addition to the answers provided, the analysis uses public data sources and artificial intelligence for profiling. At the end of your discussion with the chatbot, you will receive a link to an analysis of your company's financing opportunities. The link will also be sent to the email address you provide. If you wish, you can discuss your opportunities with a Vihti Business expert.

Advice for existing businesses

Advisory for existing businesses is mainly handled by Business Development Manager

Contact: Mika Partanen, tel. 044 752 2364 or email in the format of

Photograph of Business Development Manager

Assistance is offered to businesses in Vihti:

  • in business expansion projects
  • any topics regarding business premises, whether it be about looking for or renting out one
  • finding a suitable plot of land for the business
  • assessing financing solutions such as business grants
  • on change of ownership
  • on matters related to business fairs

Advice for new entrepreneurs

Business Advisor Olli-Heikki Dahlgren is responsible for advising new entrepreneurs.

Visiting address, Asemantie 30 Nummela (Municipal Office)

Contact Olli-Heikki Dahlgren, tel. 044 493 1002 or email in the format of

Photo of a business advisor

Advisory for new entrepreneurs includes:

  • initial assessment, instructions and appointment with a business advisor for a personal meeting
  • business idea assessment, business plan coaching, assessment profitability and entrepreneurial skills
  • market assessment and how to organise customer acquisition
  • advice on other matters related to setting up a business, such as company forms, taxation, trade register matters, permits, insurance, taxation, etc.
  • financial advice e.g. startup grant, Finnvera, bank and other possible subsidies and forms of funding
  • information on training and events for entrepreneurs
  • services of the expert network
  • if necessary, referral to other private and public actors that support entrepreneurship